
Friday, October 21, 2011

Week 5 Recap

One Point exterior- Street view.
Here's a quick sketch of a street scene. Start with the horizon line- establish it is at 6' elevation. Draw a figure, then build the scene around her. Remember- if the horizon line is at 6 feet elevation any vertical line dropped down from the H.L. that meets the ground plane gives you a 6' vertical measuring line that you can use to scale thing off of- as in the car halfway down the street. Draw you cars more carefully than I did!

Same Method- freehanded- quick sketch...a really quick sketch! Have fun, use the horizon line, vertical lines, horizontal lines, and lines that vanish to the one point- that's what makes it a one point.
The difference between these two drawings is the elevation of the horizon line- in vw1 it is at 6' and in vw2 it is at approximately 40'. 

Week 4 Recap

The circle in perspective.
Using the box method for circles we drew a wheel, then another, then a whimsical car.

Dividing  squares and rectangles into thirds

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Week1,2,3 Recap

One Point Perspective, Two Point Perspective, parallel projection- no vanishing point is not truly perspective.                       

Diagonal breakup of planes to find center, scale multiple breakups.

Vertical Measuring lines- in this case the horizon is at 10ft elevation. a 10' v.m.l. can "move" and scale will be maintained.

Here is a table and chair in perspective- using all techniques taught so far to scale the objects.